The Life of a Morning Barista - Part 1

The Life of a Morning Barista - Part 1

This post was written by Juan Ayala, a Starbucks Partner and also a guest writer for Barista Life.  In the past, Juan has experience writing screenplays, manuscripts, and several short stories. His writing is rather professional, with a shot (pun intended) of sarcasm and humor.
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The Life of a Morning Barista - Part 1

Life of a Morning Barista - Part 1

"The morning of an opening barista is not for the faint of heart.

Those dark mornings as you take your first steps in the door, whether you're a shift or barista... you know the many uncertainties your day could hold.

Dusk lies outside those doors as your first customer is already waiting in their car.

Normally, you find this incredibly annoying.

Don't they want to sleep?  This morning you are cranky and unrelenting. Let the madness begin.  

Todays DCR: 3 travelers.

God damnit.  Shit never gets old. 

You finish your responsibilities only to figure out... Someone ordered 60 bacon sandwiches.

What the hell?!

You can't even close the fridge door.

The doors open, and your first customer greets you with an all too upbeat smile  'Hello sir' you say aloud when in your head you say 'leave and never come back.  

Your tie sucks too.' In my Starbucks, located in one of the richest neighborhoods in the United States.

We get it all, and this day has just begun."


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