Tips and Advice for the Closing Shift at Starbucks

Tips and Advice for the Closing Shift at Starbucks

Tips and Advice for the Closing Shift at Starbucks

The following content was originally posted on, written by Lenny, who worked at Starbucks from 2006-2013 (partner #1301323). He has dedicated his time to help new partners and baristas get the most out of their time at Starbucks.
Tips for Closing at Starbucks
Hey there! So I am a barista who tends to work closing shifts, and within our location there is an awful lot of tension due to the fact that closers are swamped every night with closing tasks and customers because our midshifts do not assist in preparing for the close. Occasionally we get help by having mocha or chais ready. However its not nearly enough. Do you know the responsibilities of the midshift position and how we can coordinate things to run more smoothly? Thanks! ~GingerBarista


Hey Ginger,

Yeah, I know what you mean. We had some of the same issue until we had partners with experience working both opening/closing shifts. This way the closers knows what openers expect and vice-versa. I guess in your case it’d be having your mid-shifts do full closes so they know what it takes. 

At my store, we didn’t have specific tasks for mid-shifts. Our goal for anyone working a shift is to contribute to closing tasks whenever there is free time (always prioritize customers first). This worked before all our partners have closed before and we’re able to squeeze in tasks while helping customers. This could mean stocking stuff, prepping mocha/chais/oatmeals, doing dishes, etc. 

Also, generally speaking, the shift will put mid-shift people on till or bar and have closing partners complete tasks.

Anyway, I personally don’t have many tips beyond having mid-shifts actually DO CLOSES occasionally…

BUT…. here’s a list of closing tasks for the good folks at ihatestarbucks (ironic name, but the guys there are very helpful). Hope this helps.

Bar Partner

Hot Bar:
□ Close down Right espresso machine
□ Disassemble/ wash parts/ Clean cavity/ Inserts tablets/ reassemble/ place coffee filter in
tray/ rinse
□ Rinse/ stock all syrup bottles/ pumps/ drizzle bottles (check dates)/ syrup holder
□ Clean splash guard glass
□ Close down left espresso machine (re-open right)
□ Clean/ sanitize/ stock ice bin
□ Wash milk pitchers (leave 3 milk one soy)/ spoons/ ice scoop/ utensil holders
□ Wipe down fridge/ stock milk (fifo)
□ Wipe counters/ cabinets
□ Stock espresso beans
□ Wipe down/ empty tray of right espresso machine
□ Dazzle 

Cold Bar:
□ Rinse/ stock all syrup bottles/ pumps/ syrup holder
□ Clean/ sanitize/ stock ice bin
□ Wipe down fridge/ stock milk (fifo)/ stock drink add-ins (fifo)
□ Wipe counters/ cabinets
□ Stock/ clean/ date-dot Frappuccino mix-ins/ clean holders
□ Clean sinks/ drying rack/ drying mat/ stock hand washing sink
□ Wash blender pitchers/ tea shakers/ smoothie cup/ blender pitcher rinser
□ Hand wash blender cover/ blender parts
□ Wipe back wall
□ Wash large tea water pitcher
□ Transfer tea to Trenta cups/ wash tea pitchers
□ Clean sanitizer tray/ prep new rag
□ Dazzle 

□ Remove lid holders/ coffee tubes/ scale from clover area/ wipe clover/ grinder/ counters/ cabinets
□ Clean core coffee cubby/ check date/ consolidate duplicates
□ Wipe coffee tube lids/ stock/ date-dot reserve coffees
□ Clean scale/ measuring cups/ clover utensils/ ground tray
□ End of night run clover through cleaning cycle
□ dazzle

□ dishes (including EOD dishes)
□ sweep mop floors
□ clean mop sink/ BOH sink
□ clean sanitizer buckets
□ turn off washer
□ take out trash by sink
□ wipe down BOH tables/ desk
□ collect used rags/ mop heads/ put in black container

Reg Partner

□ Cups/ lids/ straws (including bar area)
□ Sleeves
□ plastic utensils
□ pastry bags/ warming bags/ handle bags
□ Oatmeal toppings
□ Impulse items (including baskets in front of RTD&E)
□ Coffee filters
□ Hot teas
□ Bananas

□ Oatmeal
□ Coffee cubes (cubes next to brewer must be at least half full)/ date-dot
□ mocha
□ frap roast
□ tea/ coffee pitchers/ date dot POS:
□ Clean/ organize/ stock POS area
□ Wipe down POS with dry rag
□ Clean out cubbies under POS (remove lids and open cup sleeves)
□ Drop Tips

Warming/ oatmeal/ brewing stations:
□ Wash cutting boards/ knife/ tongs/ holder
□ Wipe counter (remove everything from counter first)
□ Clean walls
□ Wipe down fridges/ stock/ mark-out warming
□ Wipe down cabinet doors
□ Organize/ clean cabinets
□ Empty/ clean/ sanitize two right coffee urns/ docking stations/ drip trays
□ Wipe down grinder

□ Stock toilet paper/ paper towels/ hand soap
□ Empty trash
□ Clean toilet/ sink/ mirror/ shelf/ trash cover
□ Sweep mop floors

□ Wipe down tables
□ Reset/ wipe down furniture
□ Empty trash cans
□ Sweep/ mop lobby floors

Key Holder

Before First ten:
□ Recover store/ mid-day tasks if necessary
□ Complete Second page of walk through
□ Stock RTD&E
□ Take out trash/ trash run
□ Count in/ receive keys
□ Drop tips
□ Restock pastry case
□ Dishes
□ Run breaks
□ Complete first page of walk through
□ Fill out duty roster 

By 6pm:
□ Close down brewer/ clover trashcans
□ Drop tills
□ Place bottom R2 till in safe
□ Go down to Pike
□ Consolidate pasty case to one side
□ Stock/ rotate milks/ wipe down BOH fridge
□ Milk count/ temps
□ Fill carafes/ whips
□ Mark-out/ stock RTD&E
□ Sweep/ mop back line floors
□ Run lunches 

By 9:30pm:
□ Turn off/ clean oven
□ Clean/ re-plate/ stock/ prep pastry case
□ Go down to one till
□ Stock coffee wall/ retail
□ Clean/ stock/ organize condiment bar
□ Run breaks
□ Empty/ clean/ sanitize two left coffee urns/ Brewer/ drip tray (8:30pm clover brewed only)
□ Inventory count (Wednesday)
□ Turn off music/ five minute warning
□ Pull up shades
□ Review community Board/ remove violations/ past date events 

At closing:
□ Ask customers to leave (check Bathrooms)
□ Lock doors
□ Collect newspapers/ set by door
□ Quick lobby slide
□ Drop final till/ Place keys in safe/ count out
□ Enter mark-outs into computer
□ Assist partners with final tasks
□ Final walkthrough/ go over partner task list/ sign off on duty roster
□ Relay any important information in cash log
□ Clock out/ turn off lights/ set alarm/ set newspapers out front

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